
Below are some of the services we can offer to you or your company. If you don’t see a service you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us through the form on the right hand side.


Retailers have a constant battle with theft, and an effective way to overcome this is to have retail security staff. Having security is freedom from danger or risk.

There are certain checkpoints in a store where a thief will take their goods to hide. This is normally a secure quiet area. Having security wandering around these checkpoints is a quick way to deter thieves from doing so.

Security also has the right to stop and search someone when they have left the premises. This allows the store to regain the stock and not make any losses.

Venue/Event Staff

Event security are hired for things such as concerts, big football matches and other events where there would be large crowds.

They are employed to prevent assault, vandalism and other crimes that may include theft.

Averting such actions allows for a good atmosphere and for people to feel safe and secure.

Door Staff

Door supervisors are usually hired at Licensed venues. They are there to deter any aggressive or abusive behaviour, check the legal age of public trying to acquire entry and refuse entry for reasons such as aggressive behaviour, intoxication and non-compliance with the establishment rules.

We have over 20 years’ experience with door staff and are able to handle any situation that may arise.

Close Protection

Close protection staff are required when someone is at threat or whose life could be endangered. This then means that we protect and look out for the person in question, whilst retaining enough distance to allow them to lead an as normal as possible life.